Running Vest as well as Chickpea Casserole

This morning I added one more layer to my running gear – a vest! This isn’t really indicated to be a “running” vest per se, however I needed something else to keep me warm without making me overheat. It worked perfectly!

Before I left for my run I ate a little bowl of cereal. I understood I would be stalling for a bit while it got a bit warmer out ?
MY most current VIDEOS

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अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 19 seconds

धावकहरूको लागि तल्लो शरीर कसरत कसरी गर्ने


I did 5.85 miles in 52:37

My splits:

Mile 1 – 9:02

Mile 2 – 8:30

Mile 3 -8:57

Mile 4 – 9:20

Mile 5 – 8:57

.85 – 9:09

My knee started hurting around mile 4 so I’m going to ice it as well as hope for the best. I truly want to work on getting faster, as well as I’ve been researching training plans. now I requirement my eye on the prize = my next race!

During my run I was dreaming of oatmeal so that’s what I made. They were Pumpkin oats to be exact. In the mix: 1/3c oats, soy milk, water, vanilla, stevia, cinnamon, chia seeds, salt. topped with PB as well as PB ? *I added some brown sugar after the photo to sweeten it a bit more.

I topped it with both TJ’s crunchy PB as well as Flax plus PB. The TJ’s on the ideal melts a great deal better, see?

Last night I was so caught up in my anonymous concerns I didn’t publish dinner. I made Chickpea Casserole with these ingredients: three cups of chickpeas, cream of broccoli soup as well as broccoli. I mixed everything together, topped it with some crushed pita chips (didn’t have bread crumbs) as well as baked at 350 for about 30 minutes. Then, I added some cheese to the top as well as returned it to the oven up until melted.

It was dee-lish! This meal is packed with veggies, fiber as well as protien – a vegetarian pleasure ? serve with some whole grain bread or brown rice as well as it is perfection.Other plans for today:

– massage this afternoon! I’m so excited, it’s been as well long ?

– waiting on a extremely crucial bundle to show up (been tracking FedEx like a hawk)

– Answering the rest of your questions

– Figuring out my race calendar (even though I absolutely don’t understand where I’ll be in six months…)

See you in a bit bit!

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साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



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