People who Don’t know They Are My friends

Hello! कस्तो भइरहेको छ? I’m busy cleaning my house so I come home to a clean place after going away for the weekend.

I stopped for a massive salad and a lil TV break. sometimes the Duggars are my only frens…
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण दिन 3
Marathon training video diary – day 3. Running journal check in with Run eat Repeat

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But sometimes I make up friends in my head. Okay, a lot.

You know sometimes I (and maybe you) think about the most random things on a run?

Well, I was doing that yesterday as I waved to my “friend” during my run – and I realized this guy doesn’t realize he’s my friend. and he’s not the only one!! I have a lot of friends that don’t realize they are…

For example:

1. The grandpa with a huge walking stick who tells me “Good morning!” every day on my run.

2. The cute Asian lady who walks with two dogs and a stroller on the path. (We smile at each other but never say good morning.)

3. The man I met at last year’s wine and Dine half Marathon – did I ever tell you about this? I spotted a familiar face before the race last year and swore he was a runner I always see on a local path so I went up to him and asked him if he runs in Lake Forest. YES! It was him. हा! I am so weird.

We always say hello. I’m sad I forgot his name and keep meaning to stop him and ask.

4. The manager at Yogurtland who always gives me sample cups even though he sees me all the time and knows I tried them all…

5. The girl who works at Ralph’s and found the one flavor of Lay’s chips I hadn’t had and then we talked about chips. I see her every now and then and smile.

6. new friend –> The guy with the dog that looks like me.

As long as I don’t go up to these people and say awkward things I think it’s okay.

Question: Do you feel like you ‘know’ people you see at the gym or out running too?



साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको





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