A proper breakfast

This morning I stuck to my plan of either eating or exercising within an hour of waking. I wanted to take a 9:30am class at the gym so I made breakfast, a proper breakfast if you will…

Oatmeal: 1/3c oats, soy milk, chia seeds, vanilla, salt, stevia, banana. topped with raisins, pumpkin butter as well as almond butter.
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

दौडका लागि झगडा गर्नुहोस् वा बाहिरका सुझावहरू
Face Mask tips for Running or walking outside during Coronavirus outbreak. Do you have to wear a face mask as well as best options for runners.

अधिक भिडियोहरू

Learning from a bad Run


But – I got caught up in some blog maintenance (did anyone notice I was messing with it last night?) as well as was too late. Boo.

Instead I did some sit-ups as well as arm moves in my living room. Then, I went out for a 2 mile run as well as a 2 mile walk back on my fave 4 mile route ? (I could have kept running, but I am really trying to take it easy on my knee as well as run 3 days a week – this was more of a jog?)

That route reminds me of where I run in Marco Island, FL. The turn around point has an apartment building with a name similar to a hotel. Ben’s family has a time share in Marco as well as we go every year. I’m already looking forward to it!

Question of the Day: Do you have a yearly vacation you always do? Do you have a vacation planned for this year yet?? tell me so I can live vicariously ?

Ben as well as I love to travel as well as we usually don’t exchange presents for Christmas or Birthdays, but go on trips instead. since we were in MD this year (and both afraid of the cold) we didn’t do any type of good road trips like we used to do in CA. but – we are hoping to go somewhere amazing for our anniversary ? TBD

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्

साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


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St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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